Terminalse CLI Documentation

Terminalse is a command-line tool that helps you with your daily terminal tasks.


We maintain up-to-date packages for the following Operating Systems and Linux distributions:

Download and install.


To use the Terminalse CLI, you first need to login to the Senpai service. You will need your personal API token, which you can get from your Dashboard. The login command is used for this purpose and it takes no extra arguments:

senpai login


To use Terminalse, run the following command:

senpai [options] prompt

The prompt argument represents the question or a special command you want to execute. Terminalse will send the prompt to the Terminalse API and display the response in your terminal.


  • -n, --new: ignores the previous history when sending a question. Use this option if you want to start fresh with each prompt.


Change the persona of Terminalse:
senpai become angry pirate

This command changes the persona of Terminalse to an angry pirate, adding a fun twist to the responses. You are not limited to a certain list of characters and can write anything you want here. Our smartly-designed backend API with multi-level prompts and instructions makes sure all crazy ideas can integrate nicely with the core functionality of the tool.

Ask a question:
senpai how to disable SSH connections

This command sends the question to the Terminalse API and displays an informative and well-formatted response.


  • --command-color: sets the color of the commands in the responses. Valid options are: black, white, gray, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta and cyan. There are also brighter versions of each color, for example: "bright blue". You can also make colors bold, for example: "bold red" or "bold bright cyan".
  • --comment-color: sets the color of the comments in the responses.
  • --run, --no-run: sets whether to show the menu prompt to execute each returned command.
  • --meta, --no-meta: sets whether to send OS metadata to improve the responses. Currently this includes OS type and version (all OSes), shell type (macOS and Linux), and architecture (macOS). Users may choose to disable this feature either for privacy reasons, or in cases where it produces unwanted results (for example if the tool is running on a Windows machine, but the user expects answers about Linux).

Please check our Roadmap section for new and planned features as we develop the configuration options. We are committed to making Terminalse user-friendly, flexible and easily-configurable and we value your initial feedback. If you have any suggestions or feature requests, don't hesitate to use the appropriate tools provided by GitHub to share your thoughts with us.


If at any time you need to understand the available commands and how to use them, you can type senpai -h or senpai --help.